100 most popular pages

  1. Error, trend, seasonality - ets and its forecast model friends
  2. Timeseries forecasting using extreme gradient boosting
  3. R Markdown for documents with logos, watermarks, and corporate styles
  4. Exploring propensity score matching and weighting
  5. Better prediction intervals for time series forecasts
  6. Cross-validation of topic modelling
  7. Why time series forecasts prediction intervals aren't as good as we'd hope
  8. Skill v luck in determining backgammon winners
  9. Dual axes time series plots may be ok sometimes after all
  10. Bootstrap and cross-validation for evaluating modelling strategies
  11. Extrapolation is tough for trees!
  12. Books I like
  13. Sparse matrices, k-means clustering, topic modelling with posts on the 2004 US Presidential election
  14. about free range statistics
  15. Dual axes time series plots with various more awkward data
  16. Fifteen New Zealand government Shiny web apps
  17. X13-SEATS-ARIMA as an automated forecasting tool
  18. Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models made (relatively) easy with R
  19. Some quirks with R and SQL Server
  20. FiveThirtyEight's polling data for the US Presidential election
  21. Extreme pie chart polishing
  22. Seasonal decomposition in the ggplot2 universe with ggseas
  23. Simulations to explore excessive lagged X variables in time series modelling
  24. Success rates of appeals to the Supreme Court by Circuit
  25. Sampling distribution of weighted Gini coefficient
  26. Setting up RStudio Server, Shiny Server and PostgreSQL
  27. Why you need version control
  28. Create ARIMA time series from bottom up
  29. New Zealand fatal traffic crashes
  30. Announcing new forecastHybrid package
  31. Truncated Poisson distributions in R and Stan
  32. Elastic net regularization of a model of burned calories
  33. How to recruit data analysts for the public sector
  34. Estimating Gini coefficient when we only have mean income by decile
  35. Weighted survey data with Power BI compared to dplyr, SQL or survey
  36. Seasonal adjusment on the fly with X-13ARIMA-SEATS, seasonal and ggplot2
  37. State-space modelling of the Australian 2007 federal election
  38. Tourism forecasting competition data in the Tcomp R package
  39. Demystifying life expectancy calculations
  40. Actual coverage of confidence intervals for standard deviation
  41. US Presidential inauguration speeches
  42. Moving largish data from R to H2O - spam detection with Enron emails
  43. Creating a scale transformation
  44. Sampling distribution of Gini coefficient
  45. Extracting data on shadow economy from PDF tables
  46. Simulating backgammon players' Elo ratings
  47. How to compare two blackbox timeseries generators?
  48. Books I liked in 2017
  49. Sankey charts for swinging voters
  50. Visual contrast of two robust regression methods
  51. Animated world inequality map
  52. Success rates of automated ARIMA fitting
  53. Demography simulations
  54. Leading indicators of economic growth
  55. Explore with Shiny the impact of sample size on "p-charts"
  56. Linear model with time series random component
  57. Global choropleth maps of military expenditure
  58. Business confidence and economic growth
  59. Does seasonally adjusting first help forecasting?
  60. Air quality in Indian cities
  61. Autocorrelation functions of materially different time series
  62. Inter-country inequality and the World Development Indicators
  63. Transforming the breaks to match a scale
  64. Data from the World Health Organization API
  65. Survey books, courses and tools
  66. Impact of omitted variables on estimating causal effects - simulations
  67. Luke-warm about micromaps
  68. Importance of exports and economic growth, cross-country time series
  69. Election analysis contest entry part 1 - introducing the nzelect R package
  70. Modelling individual party vote from the 2014 New Zealand election study
  71. forecastHybrid 0.3.0 on CRAN
  72. Average spend, activities and length of visit in the NZ International Visitor Survey
  73. Network charts of commuting in New Zealand with R and D3
  74. Declining sea ice in the Arctic
  75. Spend on petrol by income
  76. Cartograms of New Zealand census data
  77. Update of `ggseas` for seasonal decomposition on the fly
  78. Visualising relationships between children's books
  79. New Zealand 2017 election results
  80. ggseas package for seasonal adjustment on the fly with ggplot2
  81. Election analysis contest entry part 3 - interactive exploration of voting locations with leaflet and Shiny
  82. nzcensus on GitHub
  83. More things with the New Zealand Election Study
  84. Seasonality of plagues
  85. Improving state-space modelling of the Australian 2007 federal election
  86. New Zealand Tourism Dashboard pushes Shiny to the max
  87. New Zealand election forecasts
  88. Filling in the gaps - highly granular estimates of income and population for New Zealand from survey data
  89. Inequality measures in the World Development Indicators
  90. Visualising an ethnicity statistical classification
  91. Deaths from assault over time in 40 relatively rich countries
  92. Stats NZ encouraging active sharing for microdata access projects
  93. Who turned out to vote in the 2014 New Zealand general election?
  94. Getting started in applied statistics / datascience
  95. Do tweeps with more followers follow tweeps with more followers?
  96. House effects in New Zealand voting intention polls
  97. Election analysis contest entry part 4 - drivers of preference for Green over Labour party
  98. Silver flows in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
  99. Presentation slides on using graphics
  100. Earthquake energy over time